Going Deeper In Scripture

The Bible is filled with such fascinating stories. Most of the time we can overlook certain stories because we simply don’t stop to look at the passage. I feel like I am forever going to remain a student – and that is perfectly fine with me. I am always trying to find a different lens to look through when studying the Bible.  If God shared His word with us, why this story? Why this verse? What did God want us to take from this? Sometimes stories can be so straightforward and other times there are layers upon layers that can be observed…that’s the beauty of studying the Word of God. You will always find something new.


If you would like to take a deeper look into what the Bible has to say I would suggest grabbing your bible, some colored pencils/pen/highlighter (whatever works for you) and a notebook. Pick one book of the Bible and take your time there…I know for me I can get impatient if I don’t feel something “speaking” to me.  Take your time and look at the context of what you are reading.  It sometimes helps to also read different translations because different words can pop up at you or the way something is written may show a different angle. 


Here are a couple ways we can understand Scripture better:

a.     Who are the characters in the passage?

b.     What is happening?

c.     What is the setting?

d.     Anything unusual that should be noted?

e.     Where is the story taking place?

f.      Why do you think it was written?


Commentaries can be so helpful in providing deeper insight to the questions listed above. You can buy them online to keep with your Bible or you can also find them online as a free resource to use. I hope that by taking your time to go through His Word you find something that stirs your heart in a new way. After all, His Word is FOR you.


Time to Reflect


Why Should I Forgive?