Stepping Out In Faith
I remember being asked one day, what would your dream job be? I closed my eyes and thought, ‘man…if I could get paid to do anything I want, what would I do?’ And I immediately was taken back to this shy teen.
I remember one of my friends driving me home from church and I heard on the radio the host say: if you could ask God for anything and believe He would do it for you, what would you ask for? That night, I just couldn’t shake that question off so I sat with it and the first WILD thing I could think of was to sing. But not just in a choir, like sing as a lead. I sort of laughed it off and that was that. You know how some prayers feel like forever to answer, well, this prayer felt quick. The week after I had prayed that simple prayer, my Youth Pastor at that time approached me and said: “Jackie, I have been praying and asking God who should take the solo on this next song with our choir. I asked God to bring that person to practice tonight. And the other person I was thinking of giving it to didn’t show up tonight, but you did so the part is yours if you would like it.” My jaw just about hit the ground. Ever since that opportunity, I began singing and leading worship for years to come.
I want to ask you that same question: if you had a dream job, what would you be doing? And maybe go one more beyond that and say…if you’re not already pursuing your dream job, what is holding you back? I know a lot of times it is our fear. Our fear of messing up, not being enough or simply the fear of the unknown. Having launched Messy Bun and All fully now, I am not gonna lie, it has been way more work than I anticipated but you guys, I stepped out! I did it!! I did something that was only a dream and now I am living IN it! I truly still cry when I think about it, because despite our Country being broken and flawed in so many ways, this country has also given me the opportunity to step out and make my dream a reality. I am the daughter of two (2) immigrant people who left everything in Peru and came here for a better opportunity. Who knew that their sacrifice would lead to this amazing for their daughter to be a preacher of the Gospel, entrepreneur and helping free other women…all without a blueprint but holding God’s hand as the blueprint in her heart. I mean come on!
All of that to say, why aren’t you living the dream? What are you waiting for? Are you afraid of failing? Yeah, me too. But you know what. God is not only in the triumphs of our lives. He is in the “failures” too. But there is no such thing as failing when you are searching whole heartedly for the thing God has for you. What God has for you no one can take from you. So, it’s only a “failure” to us because it didn’t go “according to OUR plan”. But God’s plan all along for you wasn’t about the outcome, it was about Him getting close to you and you trusting Him.