Booking Requests


Jackie has a love and passion for encouraging women. She shares from a very honest and loving perspective. Having hit rock bottom after struggling with suicide, an eating disorder and perfection syndrome she turned to God in a way she never had before and found His Word and His presence to be the hope she needed to survive. Jackie shares how God is constantly saying “you are loved, you are precious, you are wonderfully made, you’re a masterpiece.” It is these truths that she strives to speak
the loudest, to drown out any other lie the world speaks.

Jackie relates real-life experiences with Bible lessons to help in day-to-day living. She is also a Worship Leader and enjoys leading worship with her husband. Music has healed in ways when words were simply not enough. She hopes that in each of our pain and joys that our hearts may always be drawn to worship God for not only carrying us THROUGH our storm but carrying us IN our storm.