How Are You?


I want to check in with you and let you know you are being thought of today, in this very moment.

A lot of us, if not ALL of us, have had our lives changed in an instant.  We find ourselves adjusting to a new normal – walking through uncharted territory. 

How have you been walking through this new season? 

There was a quote I read on the Today Show (I couldn’t find the original quote so I will summarize as best I can).  The Doctor said that during this whole CoronaVirus period some of us have become a parent, employee, spouse and teacher all at the same time.  It’s crazy the change we have all gone under in such a short amount of time.  The fact that we are expected to be all those things at the same time is impossible.  It’s an unrealistic expectation.  So, she said when you feel overwhelmed by it all choose one of those things and choose that which will bring you joy in the moment. 

I’m sure we’ve all had our moments where we have lost our patience.  I know I have.  Know that we are all learning as we go and that we all are in need of grace.  What have you found yourself battling this week? 

Finding ourselves in the middle of a new situation, fear, pain, loss, hard circumstance can be so frustrating, scary, exhausting and overwhelming.  And your feelings are so valid.  It can certainly be all those things and more.  In those moments I find myself in conversation with God saying “I will wait.  I will wait for your healing.  I will wait for your deliverance.  I will wait for your miracle.”  I’d rather take that perspective than to sit in a corner feeling hopeless.  I want to encourage you that God has provided for you even in this season.  God knows what you need in each season and He most certainly has taken into account what you are facing even in this moment. Even the seasons, years, days, and hours change.  This too shall pass.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “For everything there is a season, a time for every matter under the heavens.”

So, what are some things you can do to help you stay positive in the middle of this season?

1.     At the beginning of each day take time to sit in silence and meditate on His word.

2.     Pray to God; talk to him like he is sitting right next to you.  God hears you.  My favorite time to talk to him is when I am doing the dishes…really any time I am feeling frustrated it signals to me that maybe there is something I need to let go of.

3.     Know what your responsibility is and what belongs to God - it makes a huge difference. So many times, I think God needs my help so here I am trying to control everything.  Here is a biggie, we have to TRUST God.

4.     Practice Gratitude.  Gratitude brings joy in your life even in the midst of difficult times.

5.     Take time to be outside to breathe in the fresh air – whether that is on your balcony, your porch, your backyard or walking on your sidewalk.  I find nature to be very healing.

6.     Guard what goes in.  What you listen to, whether it is the news or picking up a newspaper; or some positive song or word can make the difference in what your mind chooses to focus on.  What goes in is what comes out.

7.     Be Present.  Focus on what you can feel and see in this present moment.  It is so easy to get worried about what may happen.  Try not to run scenarios, as hard as it may be. 

I am praying for you and your family during this time.  If you are struggling to find peace or contentment during this time, I pray these suggestions help you towards making a positive change.  I pray you find the courage, strength, wisdom and patience you need during this time.  Remember, there is no testimony without a test.  May you feel God closer during this time than ever before.


The Miracle in the Waiting
